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How To Make Your New Year Resolutions A Reality

Have you had success with setting new year resolutions? An increasingly popular way to clarify goals is to create a vision board of images, quotes, and statements. But emerging research identified in Neil Farber’s article suggests that this can also limit your chances of success.

The studies overall found subjects who utilized visualization were less likely to experience success than those who created a plan of action.

You may, like me be drawn to the process of creating an inspiring visual image that embodies what matters most to you.

However, without an action plan it is unlikely to become your reality.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Create your Vision ⇒ Identify your Resources ⇒ Create a Plan ⇒ Take Action

A fabulous example is building a house. This is something I have firsthand experience of when I worked for my husband designing and building houses.

♦  Vision – Construction starts with inspiration!

Meeting new clients on their block of land and finding out what they want most in their dream home.

♦  Resources – Is what they want realistic?

Showing them what is possible with the resources they have. Their finance, the size, fall, shape and location of the block, and when they need it completed.

♦  Plan – Break it down.

Designing the home. Preparing working drawings for submission to council, a detailed list of all fittings and inclusions. Creating a realistic timeline for the various stages, from the start date to completion.

♦  Action – Take the first step!


1/ Vision 

This can take the form of a vision board or it can be journaling.

Take some time to reflect on the year that has been. What went well? Were there any difficult challenges you encountered? What did you learn about yourself? Are there areas of your life where you experienced personal growth?

Consider this year. What would you like to do more of? What would you like to do less of? Are there behaviours you want to stop repeating? What would you like to start doing? For more reflective questions to help with this process checkout Toni Jackson’s blog.

2/ Break it down 

If you have identified a number of outcomes you would like to achieve or one big goal, then you will need to break it down. Lets say one of your goals is to “Manage Stress More Effectively”To achieve this you decide to:

  1. exercise more regularly
  2. make healthier food choices
  3. drink less alcohol
  4. and begin a mindfulness practice.

3/ Resources and Plan – Lets use 4. Mindfulness for our example

What do you need to do to get your mindfulness practice started?

Resources – What do you need to achieve this?

♥   Knowledge – How, where or who can you learn this from?

♥   Time – How much time are you willing or able to dedicate to this? 

♥   Support – What additional support do you need? This might be supportive friends or families, a community group or specialist support such as a counselor.

Plan – What steps are needed to achieve this?

♥   Read about mindfulness, download an app or take a course.

How long do you need to allow to achieve this? What date will this be done?

♥   Find a community to meet with regularly. This could be a mindfulness of movement class. E.g. Yoga or Qigong. Or you could join an online community.

When will you do this? How long do you need to allow to achieve this?

♥   Decide what daily activities you will do mindfully.

♥   Identify the best time to do your formal meditation. Maybe you need to start your day 1/2 an hour earlier.

♥   Most important! Commit your plan to paper with time-frames for each step.

Action – What is your start date?

“A goal should scare you a little, and excite you a lot.” ~ Joe Vitale

The time required to create an effective action plan is worth it, because without it your aspirations for your new year resolutions will just be great 

Lets Talk

If you want to make significant changes in your life this year, but need additional support then please call me for a Free 15 minute consultation. We can talk about what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. If I am with a client I will get back to you as soon as I can.

or if you are ready to book now

Lets Talk

If you want to make significant changes in your life this year, but need additional support then please call me for a Free 15 minute consultation. We can talk about what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. If I am with a client I will get back to you as soon as I can.

or if you are ready to book now