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The Health Risk Of Getting Stuck In Negativity: Dr. Emoto’s Research

Did you know that your body is 70% water? And at birth it was 90%? Its no wonder we can only survive three days without it. However, there is much more to the role water plays in your overall health. In fact, scientific research conducted by Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto delved a little deeper and discovered that “water has a memory.” This is a brief overview of his research, and the extraordinary images he first captured on film. I trust that you too will gain some insight into the significance of this, both the health risk, and the positive impact on your well-being.

I was first introduced to Dr. Emoto’s research by a therapist I was seeing in 2010. But only recently have I begun to recognise the impact on my own health.

Dr. Emoto studied water crystals for six years before publishing his first book The Hidden Messages of Water. His initial discovery was the quality of the water determines whether the crystal is clear, deformed, or doesn’t form any crystal at all. This is depicted in the images below, which suggests that drinking distilled water could actually be a health risk: 

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♦ The Power Of Your Words

Both the spoken word and written word affected the quality of the water. The following images are the result of one of his early experiments in-which elementary school children spoke over bottles of water. The first crystal the children said the words, “You’re cute”. The second image was formed after saying the words, “You fool!”

If you are like me it’s hard to ignore the relevance of this when we are primarily made up of water.

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The next crystal is created by the words “love and gratitude”. Dr. Emoto considered this to be the most beautiful crystal of all. What do you think?

♦ Music

It seems logical that water would be influenced by the vibration of music, because we are aware of its vibration. Have a look at these next two images. The crystal in the first image is the result of a modern jazz piece from the 1950s, with lyrics full of hope. Dr Emoto considered this as proof of the “healing qualities of music” 

In this second image the water was unable to form a crystal. Dr. Emoto believed this was primarily because of the angry and vulgar lyrics in the music.

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♦ The Health Risk Identified in the Rice Experiment 

This experiment has been replicated by 100s of people around the world. Dr. Emoto placed portions of rice into three jars and covered it with water. Every day for a month the labels on the jars were read out loud when ever he walked past them. One jar had the words, “Thank you”, another, “You’re an idiot”, and the last jar he simply ignored.

So, what happened? The rice with the positive words retained its overall colour and form, and the rice with the negative words started to rot. Most astounding and alarming was the ignored rice was in the worse condition of all. 

Similar findings are reflected in the horrendous 1944 experiment with 40 babies. Twenty were given all the physical and emotional nurturing they needed. The other 20 had all their physical needs taken care of, but the caregivers were instructed to not look at, talk to, or touch these babies unless they had to. It is reported that after four months at least half of these babies had died.

The most damaging form of behavior is withholding your attention.” ~ Masaru Emoto

♦ Electromagnetic waves

Yes, even your technology affects the health of water, as you can see from these images of water before and after it was subjected to various electromagnetic waves in your everyday environment:

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♥   Connection is necessary for your emotional and physical health.

♥  The opposite of loving kindness is not hate, its indifference.

♥  Gratitude and love are essential for good health.

♥ is a crucial element of gratitude

♥  Its normal to have negative thoughts and emotions come and go. It’s when you fuse with them that they become a health risk.

Maybe this research is “a little out there” for you or maybe it resonates strongly. Either way, what is undeniable is there is Power in Your Words – what you say to your family, friends and colleagues, and what you say to yourself.

Lets Talk

If you are struggling with troublesome thoughts and emotions, please call me for a Free 15 minute consultation. We can talk about what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. If I am with a client I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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Lets Talk

If you are struggling with troublesome thoughts and emotions, please call me for a Free 15 minute consultation. We can talk about what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. If I am with a client I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Online counselling available in the privacy of your own home.

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