The Mind-body Connection: How Emotions Effect Your Wellbeing

The mind-body connection recognises that your thoughts and emotions don’t only exist in the mind, they are in your body. They are actual physical feelings. You might have heard people say “I have butterflies in my stomach” before a first date or job interview. Or during overwhelming stress someone might say “I’m trying to…

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15 Top Gratitude Quotes to Inspire Your New Year

Gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful changes you can make in your life.  You may be thinking "that's great when life is treating me well! But what if I'm struggling with personal pain or events outside of my control?"   Gratitude isn't about pretending these things aren't happening. In…

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Works

Have you ever been to therapy but just found it all to hard to apply in every day life? Or left feeling there is something wrong with you? I have! My quest for personal growth and emotional wellbeing finally led me to Mindfulness and then to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). …

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How Acceptance Therapy Can Help You Live A Full and Meaningful Life

Before we look at acceptance therapy let’s take a look at the difference between acceptance and resignation. You might be thinking, “Aren’t they the same thing?” But actually they are very different. The word resignation is derived from the Old French word resigner. It means to “give up”, “relinquish”, “abandon” or “To…

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Relationship Hope: Building Curiosity and Letting Go of the Stories

Do you find yourself caught in arguments that ignite out of nowhere? Or perhaps your relationship feels more like a functional partnership, with you and your partner moving through daily routines like flatmates. What happened to the spark that once kept you so engaged with each other? In the early…

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