Rising Trends in Grey Divorce: What You Should Know

Have you noticed the term "grey divorce" appearing more often in conversations or headlines? You’re not alone. Grey divorce refers to the increasing trend of couples aged 50 and older choosing to end their marriages. It’s a phenomenon that’s reshaping how we think about relationships and life transitions in midlife…

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Situationships: Navigating the Complexities of Undefined Relationships

 “Discussing “what are we” is an important part of creating a shared reality with healthy boundaries and expectations. ” ~ Esther Perel and Mary Alice Miller Let’s talk about situationships. You might not call it that just yet, but if you’re stuck in a dynamic that feels more confusing than clear,…

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Silent Divorce: Are You Living in an Emotionally Disconnected Marriage?

"When there is no struggle for connection, there’s a surrender to the distance." — Esther Perel Have you ever looked across the room at your partner and felt like you were living with a stranger? Maybe you’re not fighting, but you’re not really connecting, either. You go about your daily…

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Counselling for Husband and Wife: Strengthening the Bonds of Marriage

"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together, but when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."  ~  Dave Meurer As a counsellor, I understand that marriage is a unique journey filled with love, commitment, and, at times, overwhelming challenges. A strong marriage isn’t about finding…

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How to Build Trust After Infidelity

 "Every act of trust rebuilding is a step towards healing."  Unknown.Infidelity is one of the most painful experiences a relationship can endure. When trust is shattered, the path to rebuilding it is difficult, but not impossible. If you're reading this, you might be in a place of hurt, confusion, or…

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