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Supercharge Your Life with a Smile: Learn Why You Need To Do It More Often

Did you know children smile 400 times a day, compared to a meager 20 – 50 times a day for adults?

A baby’s smile is triggered by almost anything and everything – even when they are in the womb. So how did so many of us lose this level of spontaneous joy?

We forgot how to live in the moment. The baby isn’t thinking about the future or the past, she is fully anchored in what is happening right now.  

Before we look at how to increase your daily quota of smiles lets take a look at the benefits for your brain, body and relationships.

More Smiling, Less worrying. More Compassion, Less judgment. More Blessed, Less stressed. More Love, Less hate. ~ Roy T. Bennett

The Brain 

An interesting study conducted in Britain found one smile can produce the same level of brain stimulation as 2,000 bars of chocolate. 

So how does this happen? Studies show that smiling stimulates your brain’s reward systems, releasing feelgood neurotransmitters – dopamine, serotonin and endorphins into your body. This creates a positive feedback loop, as in the illustration below:


It is so simple, you can do it anywhere, anytime, no matter how you feel.

Why not give it a go now. First, try smiling with your eyes; this meditation by Tara Brach asks you to imagine the curve of a smile behind your eyes. 

Now activate the smile muscles at the corners of your mouth. 

You might like to send  your smile to someone else, or smile quietly to yourself.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

The Body 

There is plenty of information on how stress negatively impacts your health. But you are probably unaware of how a simple smile can counteract those harmful stress induced hormones. Amazingly these feel good neurotransmitters have been shown to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, cause you to feel more relaxed, and can even act as a pain reliever.


Its not hard to imagine that you might be more attracted to people who smile. But did you know that even if you are talking to someone on the phone they will feel more connected to you when you are genuinely smiling? 

Another way to strengthen connection, relieve pain, and improve your health is to laugh more often 🙂


 1. Hang around happy people.  

Sound too simple. According to research smiling is contagious. It seems you are subconsciously wired to respond to a smile, even if it’s a stranger smiling at you.

Of course the reverse is true too. You can make someone else feel better just by sharing your smile.

 2. Remember the involuntary smile of a child? 

He or she is fully present. This is mindfulness. 


Here’s how you can become more present in your life: 

Begin to notice the simple things in your life. The smell of orange blossom when it rains, a beautiful piece of music, the breeze on your skin, and the feel of sand between your toes. 

As thoughts and memories arise allow them to come and go, and then bring your attention back to the moment  the smell, sensation or sound. To learn more about daily mindfulness click here.  

Word of warning  Smiling is not about disengaging from difficult emotions. Quite the opposite, feelings are there to be felt. They are actually less destructive when you do acknowledge them and make room for them. When you push them down, they buildup and eventually express themselves in ways you can’t predict. 

To learn more about how to manage difficult feelings click here

Lets Talk

If you need someone to talk who really cares, then please call me for a Free 15 minute consultation. We can talk about what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. If I am with a client I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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Lets Talk

If you need someone to talk who really cares, then please call me for a Free 15 minute consultation. We can talk about what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. If I am with a client I will get back to you as soon as I can.

or if you are ready to book now