5 Important Tips for Managing Covid 19 Isolation and Anxiety

Covid-19 isolation and quarantine are fast becoming our new normal. Of course some of you may be relishing the prospect of being at home, at least for the short term. For others however, the experience of being confined with family members 24 / 7 presents an onerous task. Or, if you…

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Have You Got Coronavirus Anxiety?

It has now become obvious to all that we, as a global community, are facing a once in a lifetime crisis with the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus (aka the Honey Badger virus*). And as a result, many people will feel the effects of Coronavirus Anxiety. First and foremost,…

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Relationship Hope: Building Curiosity and Letting Go of the Stories

Do you find yourself caught in arguments that ignite out of nowhere? Or perhaps your relationship feels more like a functional partnership, with you and your partner moving through daily routines like flatmates. What happened to the spark that once kept you so engaged with each other? In the early…

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