Are Your Expectations About Happiness Causing You Pain?

Are you finding it difficult to enjoy life? Maybe happiness keeps slipping through your fingers. If you are driven by what lies in the future, then this is most likely the problem. Goals are a wonderful and necessary part of a fulfilling life, providing direction and a sense of accomplishment.…

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Breaking The Codependency Cycle: How To Empower Your Partner

Are you always rescuing your partner or your adult child? Do you feel responsible for them? Is it helping or are you feeling burdened, frustrated and trapped? In codependency relationships one person (the rescuer) feels burdened by the needs and wants of their loved one (the victim). In other words they take the role…

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The Health Risk Of Getting Stuck In Negativity: Dr. Emoto’s Research

Did you know that your body is 70% water? And at birth it was 90%? Its no wonder we can only survive three days without it. However, there is much more to the role water plays in your overall health. In fact, scientific research conducted by Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto…

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21 Inspiring Mindfulness Quotes For Anxiety

Mindfulness QuotesI love inspirational quotes, especially those that promote well-being, and remind us to live in the now. So here are a few of my favourite mindfulness quotes to inspire your day.Whatever your life looks like at the moment, I hope you will feel inclined to pause and take a breath…

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Just Breathe: Discover The Power Of Your Breath

Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “Just Breathe” –  and in that moment realized your breath was so constricted you were hardly breathing at all? I have...One morning stands out for me. I discovered on the school run that one of my three boys was meant to take some "home-baking" to school that morning. Unfortunately…

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