Is The Blame Game Damaging Your Relationship?

You probably have childhood memories of assigning blame to others or having the finger pointed at you. I have one vivid memory of my father lining all four of us up as children in the hope one of us would step forward and claim responsibility for damaging a pot plant.…

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How Setting Boundaries Can Help You Take Control Of Your Life

“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated." ~ Brené Brown Personal boundaries enable you to take ownership of your own life. Its about recognising where you end and someone else begins. If you own property there are clear boundaries outlining where your…

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Is Your Measure of Success Impacting on Your Happiness?

You would be excused for thinking that the measure of success is wealth and fame. Even the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines success as “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame”.This message is conveyed through every possible channel of media. So it’s pretty difficult not to get caught up in wanting…

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