Just Breathe: Discover The Power Of Your Breath

Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “Just Breathe” –  and in that moment realized your breath was so constricted you were hardly breathing at all? I have...One morning stands out for me. I discovered on the school run that one of my three boys was meant to take some "home-baking" to school that morning. Unfortunately…

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5 Science Backed Reasons Why You Should Laugh More Often

A sense of humor is a wonderful gift. There is nothing quite like a good belly laugh to lift your spirits. Laughing might be as effortless as breathing for you, or relegated to those rare moments that catch you off guard. If you're the latter you might like to ask yourself this…

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Is The Blame Game Damaging Your Relationship?

You probably have childhood memories of assigning blame to others or having the finger pointed at you. I have one vivid memory of my father lining all four of us up as children in the hope one of us would step forward and claim responsibility for damaging a pot plant.…

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Is Your Emotional Style Sabotaging Your Immune System Or Boosting it?

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” ~ Lord ByronFor decades researches have recognised a connection between your emotions and immune system. Understanding the mechanisms behind this incredible mind-body connection is still in its infancy. But what is understood is that a positive emotional style is linked to a…

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7 Gratitude Benefits You Need to Know: Feel Happier and Healthier

You might be reading this and think gratitude benefits is just another one of those positive psychology strategies. Or believe that personality determines whether or not you see the glass half full or half empty. I mean aren't some people just wired to see the sunny side of life, while…

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