9 Tips to Help You Cope with Pet Loss

If you are reading this blog you know the excruciating pain of pet loss. You haven't just lost your pet you have lost your friend, companion and family member.Our most recent loss was this year when we made the difficult decision to euthanise our little Gold Coast cat Cheetah who…

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The Truth About Grief: Myths and Facts And How You Can Cope

Grief can be an excruciatingly painful and lonely experience. This can be further compounded by grief myths that suggest your reactions and behaviors aren't normal. My hope is this article will extinguish some of the shame or fear these myths generate so you can be free to grieve in your own way…

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The Mindfulness Revolution: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

If your answer yes to any of the following questions then you will benefit from a mindfulness practice.  Are you battling to get through the day because of stress, anxiety or depression?  Have always been a worrier, always planning, thinking, preparing, and stressing about the future?  Do you ruminate over…

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Could You Be Suffering From Carer Fatigue?

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” ~ Eleanor BrownWhen you became a carer you probably had other commitments, and maybe a job, school, university or parenting. You may have inherited the role with little or no warning or seen it coming for a while.In 2015 there were…

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