Are Your Expectations About Happiness Causing You Pain?

Are you finding it difficult to enjoy life? Maybe happiness keeps slipping through your fingers. If you are driven by what lies in the future, then this is most likely the problem. Goals are a wonderful and necessary part of a fulfilling life, providing direction and a sense of accomplishment.Yet, there…

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Are You Struggling With Painful Thoughts and Feelings?

If you struggle with painful thoughts then you have probably tried everything you can to get rid of them. And you have probably also discovered it isn't possible. The good news is you don’t need to get rid of difficult or distressing thoughts to live a fulfilling and purposeful life.You…

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Practical Tips For Managing Your Christmas Stress

Are you experiencing christmas stress? Christmas and New Year is promoted as a special time of the year for sharing, gift giving, and celebration. However, for many the romanticized version of Christmas can be the cause of significant emotional dis-stress. Christmas stress for you might be the pressure of finances, or…

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5 Unhelpful Thinking Styles Stopping You From Fulfilling Your Dreams

Do you find yourself caught up in the moment-by-moment excitement, challenges and disappointments of your favourite artist/s on talent shows like The Voice?  Artists receive constructive criticism from their mentors for us all to see. Then they step onto the stage with half the country watching and judging; not just the talent…

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