Christmas Grief and Loss: 5 Strategies to Help You Through the Holiday Season

Christmas is traditionally a time of celebration, meeting of family and friends, delicious food, and giving of gifts. Everywhere we see messages of happiness and connection. Yet, this time of the year can put a lot of stress on relationships, with increased numbers of break-ups and divorce. And for those who…

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The Silent Pain of Loss: When Grief Counselling Can Help

I witnessed a tree fall today. I heard the crashing sound first, and then saw it falling through the trees and shrubs before hitting the ground. We have lost a number of trees into the water at the back of our home. But unlike this tree they had laid there for…

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Sensitive People: Nurturing Your Gifts in a Fast Paced World

Are you one of those sensitive people who gets frazzled when there is too much going on? Do the moods of other people easily affect you? Maybe you were told as a child to "stop being so over sensitive, or taking things so personally”. If this resonates with you then…

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How Acceptance Therapy Can Help You Live A Full and Meaningful Life

Before we look at acceptance therapy let’s take a look at the difference between acceptance and resignation. You might be thinking, “Aren’t they the same thing?” But actually they are very different. The word resignation is derived from the Old French word resigner. It means to “give up”, “relinquish”, “abandon” or “To…

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Relationship Hope: Building Curiosity and Letting Go of the Stories

Do you find yourself in arguments that start at the drop of a hat? Or more like flatmates, crossing each other’s path in the course of daily life? What happened to the relationship hope that kept you both so engaged? In the early stages of a relationship everything is new…

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