Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Works

Have you ever been to therapy but just found it all to hard to apply in every day life? Or left feeling there is something wrong with you? I have! My quest for personal growth and emotional wellbeing finally led me to Mindfulness and then to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). …

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How Acceptance Therapy Can Help You Live A Full and Meaningful Life

Before we look at acceptance therapy let’s take a look at the difference between acceptance and resignation. You might be thinking, “Aren’t they the same thing?” But actually they are very different. The word resignation is derived from the Old French word resigner. It means to “give up”, “relinquish”, “abandon” or “To…

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Core Values: Four Key Questions to Help You Identify Yours

If someone asked you what your core values are, would you know how to answer them? Not sure? Then it's fairly likely that the choices you have made in the past, are the result of unconscious values you have adopted from others. Particularly in your childhood and adolescence. Maybe you are playing the…

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