How To Make Your New Year Resolutions A Reality

Have you had success with setting new year resolutions? An increasingly popular way to clarify goals is to create a vision board of images, quotes, and statements. But emerging research identified in Neil Farber's article suggests that this can also limit your chances of success. The studies overall found subjects who utilized…

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The Mindfulness Revolution: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

If your answer yes to any of the following questions then you will benefit from a mindfulness practice.  Are you battling to get through the day because of stress, anxiety or depression?  Have always been a worrier, always planning, thinking, preparing, and stressing about the future?  Do you ruminate over…

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Practical Tips For Managing Your Christmas Stress

Are you experiencing christmas stress? Christmas and New Year is promoted as a special time of the year for sharing, gift giving, and celebration. However, for many the romanticized version of Christmas can be the cause of significant emotional dis-stress. Christmas stress for you might be the pressure of finances, or…

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