The Truth About Grief: Myths and Facts And How You Can Cope

Grief can be an excruciatingly painful and lonely experience. This can be further compounded by grief myths that suggest your reactions and behaviors aren't normal. My hope is this article will extinguish some of the shame or fear these myths generate so you can be free to grieve in your own way…

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Body Betrayal: How “You Can Live Well” With Chronic Pain And Illness

I have only just come across the term “body betrayal”. It concisely summarizes the overwhelming thoughts and emotions that flood in, when you realize your body is never going to be the same. I know this journey all too well; the sense of injustice, feeling angry at my body for letting…

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5 Science Backed Reasons Why You Should Laugh More Often

A sense of humor is a wonderful gift. There is nothing quite like a good belly laugh to lift your spirits. Laughing might be as effortless as breathing for you, or relegated to those rare moments that catch you off guard. If you're the latter you might like to ask yourself this…

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The Vicious Cycle Of Alcohol And Depression

In a culture where drinking is the social norm you can easily excuse / ignore the depression after alcohol and the impact on your physical health, and relationships. After all a drink or two to relax at the end of a long day seems reasonable enough. And social events are…

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Is Your Emotional Style Sabotaging Your Immune System Or Boosting it?

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” ~ Lord ByronFor decades researches have recognised a connection between your emotions and immune system. Understanding the mechanisms behind this incredible mind-body connection is still in its infancy. But what is understood is that a positive emotional style is linked to a…

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